Thursday 14 November 2013

The Mortal Instruments: City of Bones - Cassandra Clare

Ok so I bought the first two in this series on a whim, and then borrowed the other 4 books. So before I'm even one chapter in I'm already invested in the series. I was hoping for a good return... One chapter later and I can relax - I'm already hooked!

The characters are far more enthralling than Edward and Bella, and despite the paranormal they are far more realistic. I'm glad Simon didn't just become a whingey side-line character. He is fast becoming one of my favourites...even more so than Jace! 

This may be targeted at young adults, but the writing style is suited to anyone. I read the last 2 chapters in one sitting...finishing way past bed-time! I just had to find out what happened. I was well-rewarded with an action-packed finale in which your perspective changes somewhat...

Book two is already in progress :)

Sunday 10 November 2013

The Husband's Secret - Liane Moriarty

Wow...and just, wow.

This beautiful tale starts slow, as characters are steadily thrown into the mix, but the once the pace starts building it feels like a merry-go-round ride to the finish.

I started this book expecting a trashy romance, but instead this was a tale intricately combining lust, grief, love and betrayal.

Moriarty has a casual writing style which made reading this book effortless. It took me two days to finish, and I closed the final page with a smile on my face.

Saturday 9 November 2013

The First Days - Rhiannon Frater

Walking dead fans will love this book, and indeed the trilogy. The Zombie-apocolypse is upon us and this book starts literally as society falls.

Fans of the Walking dead will recognise the gory zombie decapitations against various backdrops; houses, service stations, the speedy race from the city to the space and 'safety' of the Texas countryside - and the final sanctuary of a fortified town not unlike 'Woodbury'....

Frater focuses her story on two female leads: one a kick-ass lesbian (her sexuality we are reminded of again and again...) and the other an abused wife and mother. I wish Frater made me care more about the main characters. I cared more about the supporting characters, especially the elderly Israeli female sniper holed up in a gun store - which is exactly where I would want to be too if the world ended!

A great start to the trilogy, with more than enough action to keep girls and boys entertained. Stick at it cos I have a feeling Frater is building up to something gorily good in part 2...