Sunday 11 August 2013

The Strain - Guillermo Del Toro & Chuck Hogan

The best thing about having an action film director as half of the writing duo for a book? It reads like you're watching a movie you daren't take a toilet break in the middle of!

Stephanie Myer taught us that Vampires are actually just mis-understood beings - who happen to be incredibly beautiful to boot! Hogan/Guilermo have re-written the Vampire legend, and turned them back into creatures to be truly feared.

I really cannot commend the writing of this book enough. The description of each bloodbath is perfectly described, and the clarity of each 'set' leaves you feeling you have been stood right in the middle of the action. There really is never a dull moment! 

I must stress that despite the violent nature of the tale, there is plenty of characterisation in the read, which reminded me of a slimmed down version of Stephen Kings The Stand. You gradually begin to feel a part of the troop of main characters, who gradually bind together, similar to that of The Walking Dead.

It seems as though the writers took great care to remove the 'waffle' that other writers use to describe situations. Every single sentence feels meticulously planned - but as a reader you barely notice it as you glide effortlessly from one side of New York to another.

This book is the first in a trilogy and I will be moving swiftly on to the next portion of gore!

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