Wednesday 25 September 2013

Gone - Micheal Grant

I picked this up in a charity shop and promptly added it to my ever-expanding holiday reads pile.

After my recent spat of Zombie novels I was intrigued by the cautionary words in the back of the book: 'Contains scenes of cruelty and some violence', and ready for some gore.

Gone is a tale about a town where everyone over the age of 15 disappears one day, leaving kids behind to do what they will. The book is a modern day Lord of the Flies type tale, with the usual fight for control coupled with the basic need to survive.

Despite being pegged as a YA book and written about children, nothing about this book is child-like. The violent scenes are written well, and certainly make you whince - yet the violence is not misplaced. It reveals to the reader the stark reality if a world without adult supervision.

This book is the first in a series of 6 and I am intrigued to see how the story develops through the books. Needless to say all 6 are already on order... :)

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