Wednesday 16 October 2013

Hush Hush - Becca Fitzpatrick

This book is apparently aimed at Twilight fans. I loved Twlight, Hush Hush took some work!

The teenage angst of falling for a fella a little on the paranormal side is a recurring theme in this book, however there are no melancholy, brooding vamps like Edward in sight. Instead Becca gives us Patch. A fallen angel who, if he had treated me the way he treats Nora, would have had a swift slap as a reward for his efforts.

 At least in Twilight you understand why Bella is drawn to Edward. In Hush Hush Patch is far too cock-sure and arrogant for my liking, and this almost made me close the book in favour of another a number of times.

The end had the potential of being genious, with my irritation at Patch preventing me from working out just who the 'bad guy' was. Yet the ending seemed a little hurried and left me feeling overjoyed at reaching the last page!

The characters in Hush Hush are 2D and you never really feel comfortable in their presence. I often wished that Nora would  ditch Patch, abandon her overly qwerky best friend, and just do something a little less tiring. Maybe she could make ONE good choice in the whole book??

Unfortunately I am a sucker for punishment, and in the interest of proving history wrong, I am going to see if on this occasion the sequel outdoes it's predecessor. God I hope so!

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