Wednesday 8 January 2014

13 Bullets - David Wellington

Yet another book so good it reads like a movie. Forget the romantic smushy Edward Cullen type vampires, this book re-paints them as the violent monsters they are.

Some of the scenes in this book are just creepy... Cue the abandoned lunatic asylum and the midnight high-speed getaway chased by rampaging undead. Wellington throws these little terrifying moments into scenes that at first appear ordinary, thus managing to catch the reader off guard and perhaps to remind us of the monsters they are?

I found one of the main characters increasingly frustrating. I had read reviews that said Caxton, the lesbian state trooper roped into vampire hunting, was 2D and unlikeable - but it wasn't her I couldn't get on with. It was Arkeley the seasoned vampire killer. His character is never really fleshed out enough in this book, and perhaps this is intentional and mirrors Caxton's frustrations with his aloof personality, but for me it was the one flaw to this book.

If you're looking a for fast-paced, action-packed zombie/vampire tale then you will probably devour this as quickly as I did. The characters may be a little lacking, but to be honest with so many undead appearing from the shadows you hardly have time to notice.

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