Sunday 29 December 2013

The Hunt - Andrew Fukuda

I picked this book up for a £1 so I really wasn't expecting much. Plus I had checked out some reviews on Good Reads and most people had scored it 1 - 2 stars at most.

The story is basically Hunger Games with vampires: but there is a whole lot more besides. Gene is a human living alongside vampires by pretending to be one. It sounds daft I know, but it really adds to the story. I found my self on tenterhooks each time Gene is nearly found out! 

One of the great things about this book is that there is no mushy love story ruining the plot. Of course there's a girl, there always is in YA fiction now, but she is very much a sideline in this book - and glad I am about that!

The final chapters of the book in which 'The Hunt' takes place are described perfectly. Although, as with all trilogy books, it leaves you on a massive cliffhanger.... So naturally I have ordered the next two books :)

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