Monday 23 December 2013

A Gathering Light - Jennifer Donnelly

When I was little I had a copy of The Little House on the Prairie which I read until the cover started to fall off. It now has pride of place on my bookshelf and reminds me of why I love to read; losing yourself in another world where the simplest things are those you treasure. This book reminds me of Little House.

Firstly the writing is beautiful. Donnelly has hints of Margaret Atwood in her writing style, and uses this to cleverly lead us on a tale of a young woman breaking the rules that back in 1905 her gender and age were bound to obey.

The murder in the book is by-the-by and it wasn't until I finished the book that I was told the murder is a true story. Donnelly used the mlocal murder of a young girl to put Mattie's actions into perspective; life can be so suddenly cut short, so chase your dreams.

I picked this book up at a charity shop on a whim, but have found a true treasure of a book that I'll sit perfectly alongside Little House on my bookshelf.

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