Monday 23 December 2013

Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief - Ricky Riordan

First things first, don't be fooled by the 'For ages 9 and over' note on the cover of this book. It's a book any age will enjoy!

Being a history geek I was intrigued by the book's take on Greek mythology, and this is what initially lured me in. 

In a similar vein to the tv show 'Once Upon A Time, Riordan takes myths and makes the characters into modern day equivalents in a very clever way. You end up playing a game with yourself whereby you try and guess which mythilogical creature they are... Medusa stumped me and I am incredibly mad at myself for not working it out sooner!

So long as you remember it is a children's book, and therefore don't expect any prize-winning literary feats, you will enjoy this book for the tale itself. It is a simple yet effective 'fairy-tale' and an easy read to get caught up in.

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